1DataDir = "${CoverageControl_ws}/lpac" # Absolute location
2EnvironmentConfig = "${CoverageControl_ws}/lpac/params/coverage_control_params.toml" # Absolute location
4# Only required for data generation using C++
5# The generator requires a TorchVision JIT transformer model
6# for resizing robot local maps on the GPU
7# The python script for generating the model is located at
8# CoverageControl/cppsrc/torch/resize.py
9# resize.pt is also present for CNNMapSize of 32
10TorchVisionTransformJIT = "./TorchVisionResize_32.pt" # Relative to DataDir
14# Number of steps to take before data is stores
15# This helps in creating a more diverse dataset
18# The robots stop moving once the algorithm has converged
19# Having some of these converged steps can help in stabilizing robot actions
20ConvergedDataRatio = 0.02
22# Resizing of maps and Sparsification of tensors are triggered every TriggerPostProcessing dataset
23# This should be set based on RAM resources available on the system
24TriggerPostProcessing = 100