1# Specify parameters for coverage control in toml format
11# Determines the quality of the plot and videos
12# > 1: High quality (takes more time to plot)
13# < 1: Low quality (takes less time to plot)
16# Parameters for the environment
20# Assuming same resolution in both the directions. Pixel area = Resolution^2
23# Actual size of maps is size * Resolution, e.g., WorldMapSize * Resolution
26# Robot map saves what the robot has seen
29# Local map is used for computing mass. Actual area would be LocalMapSize * Resolution
30# Should be greater than CommunicationRange so that they can form different channels of the same image.
36UpdateRobotMap = true # Set UpdateRobotMap to false for centralized known world
37UpdateSensorView = true
38UpdateExplorationMap = false
41# Parameters for the IDF
44# Bivariate Normal Distribution truncated after TruncationBND * sigma
45# Makes it more realistic and reduces the number of erfc evaluations
48# Used to normalize map. Max value will be scaled to Norm.
51# These settings are only relevant if the IDF is generated using random gaussians
57# Add importance to unknown regions
58UnknownImportance = 0.5 # fraction of the largest imaportance of a grid cell
59RobotMapUseUnknownImportance = false
61# Parameters for the robot
64# Assuming square sensor FOV.
65# Actual FOV: square with side Resolution * SensorSize
66# Robot is placed at the center of FOV
67# Make it even so that I don't have to deal with substracting by half-resolution.
68SensorSize = 64 # Positive integer. NOTE: Needs to be even
70# Radius of communication (in meters)
71CommunicationRange = 128
73MaxRobotSpeed = 5 # in m/s. Make sure MaxRobotSpeed * TimeStep / Resolution < SensorSize/2
74RobotInitDist = 1024 # Distance from the origin within which to initialize the position of the robots
75RobotPosHistorySize = 40 # For plotting and checking oscillations
77TimeStep = 0.2 # in seconds
81# Add noise to the robot's position and sensor readings
82AddNoisePositions = false
83PositionsNoiseSigma = 0.1
85# Parameters for the standard baseline coverage control algorithms
88# Number of steps in an episode
90CheckOscillations = true
93# Settings for Global-CVT algorithm
94LloydMaxIterations = 1000
98# Number of frontiers to be selected (not used currently)